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Before adding content to Legitimate you must verify your identity. We do this for a number of reasons:
When you create an account we lock in your first and last name. This ensures users can't create a profile that is fundamentally different from what their real identity is. If for example your ID has a first name of Bartholomew you may request that we update it to Bart as that is what you prefer. You can do this using the form located here.
Legitimates ethos is about bringing truth and transparency to the internet. To do that we need to show the real author behind content. When you submit content to Legitimate it is indexed under your profile. Our applications and API then display your details to users that are viewing that content.
The details you provide during the verification process are never held or even passed through Legitimates servers. We work with the most highly regulated and secure verification providers in the world to make sure that the highest standards of data handling and security are in place. We also promise to never hand over your details to any third party or partner company.
The identity documents and information you supply during verification are stored in an encrypted format on servers, which are kept at Uptime Institute classified Tier III data centers compliant with TIA-942 and PCI DSS standards. The data centers are protected technically and guarded physically around the clock by specially audited security personnel.
All data transfered during verification is done over a protected channel with cryptographic encryption based on the TLS 1.2 protocol. Decryption keys are stored separately from the actual data, so anyone with malicious intent can’t get access to your sensitive data.